Ecology and Evolution

Climate and Marine Sciences

Solid Earth Sciences

I am a geomorphologist mainly focused on hillslope processes. I investigate landslide dynamics, susceptibility, hazard, and risk in the components of slope processes. I create models for my studies using various tools in GIS and Remote Sensing. Presently, I am conducting a comprehensive study on lateral spreading along the stream bank based on the seismic effect. I have been detecting Geomorphologic Change (GCD) using the temporal Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). In this context, I am leading a project titled “High Resolution 2- and 3-Dimensional Digital Elevation Model in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin” under the TUBITAK 2218- National Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program.

Ecology and Evolution 

I am an archaeologist who studies intercultural communication networks in the Northern Aegean because I am interested in how intercultural interaction processes affected state formation in the protohistoric period. In this regard, in order to comprehend the Canakkale Strait's significance in intercultural communication networks during the Bronze Age, I have been conducting an archaeological survey (The Survey Project of Bronze Age Harbours in the Canakkale Strait) since 2021. At the same time, I am managing the project called "Integration of Remote Sensing Methods into the Prehistoric Archeology of the Gallipoli Peninsula" that is funded by the TUBITAK 2218 - National Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program. In this project, it is aimed at evaluating the archaeological findings obtained from the aforementioned survey in question with interdisciplinary methods and introducing new methods to the science of archaeology.